Ex-Regular Reservist from 3rd Battalion the PWRR and who has twice volunteered for mobilisation as a Military Liaison Officer, on both occasions he supported UK Operations in Kent. His contribution, usually delivered quietly in the background, has made a significant difference to the Kent civil authorities and Defence, resonating onwards to Ministries of State. His commitment has consistently been over and above all expectations.
Colonel Baynham presenting WO2 Doyle with a Comd 11X Commendation
In 2019, as a Kent MLO in support of Op REDFOLD, Defence’s support to the UK's departure from the EU, he played a pivotal role. For the Government and Defence, Kent was a critical area. His task was to gain an understanding of the complexities of Brexit dynamics ready to convey onwards to the Brigade HQ. By assimilating the right information, he provided timely, high quality briefs, paving the way for decisions to be made by the Commander. This enabled the planning of potential integration of Defence into areas where support was needed. The enormity of this task should not be underestimated.
"His work rate was exceptional. He brought his own unique perspective from his civilian employment in Logistics.”
This, combined with his infectious enthusiasm, boundless energy and proactive work ethic, produced a stream of high-end material which proved to be of critical importance.
He stepped forward again in 2020 for Op RESCRIPT, the military response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Again, Doyle as an MLO, applied himself with both passion and professionalism to ensure the civil authorities were fully supported by Defence.
His dedication to the positive projection of Defence, together with his own commitment in establishing working relationships with the civilian agencies, has been nothing short of outstanding. His desire to cover every aspect, chase down all leads, and monitor the unending flow of meetings, news articles and social media feeds, demonstrated his wholehearted selflessness and commitment to the post. That the Military are held in such high regard by the civil authorities in Kent is, in no small part, due to Doyle’s influence and commitment.
He is the consummate team player, staunchly loyal, utterly reliable, and able to guide those senior to him with skill and diplomacy. He adapts easily to the intricacies of the multi-agency arena and uses his experience wisely. Being held in very high regard in these circles, his views carry disproportionate weight.
For his exceptional contribution to Defence and the civil authorities during Brexit, the EU transition and the Covid-19 pandemic response, Doyle is most deserving of formal recognition for service above and beyond that expected of his rank and position.